Film screening: No Man's Land

April 5, 2018 | 6:00 p.m. | High Desert Museum

59800 South Highway 97, Bend OR 97702

On January 2, 2016, armed protesters seized the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Harney County, Oregon. The occupation lasted forty-one days, during which time considerable damage occurred. 

The High Desert Museum will screen David Byars' eye-opening documentary, No Man’s Land, an on-the-ground, detailed account of the 2016 standoff between the occupiers and federal authorities. The film will be followed by a facilitated discussion. Read more.

This program is made possible in part by a Responsive Program Grant from Oregon Humanities.

Event Sponsors

High Desert Museum

Oregon Humanities


$5 for museum members, $8 for nonmembers


Christina Cid at (541) 382-4754 or