2023 Annual Report

Thanks to your support, participation, and partnership in 2023, Oregon Humanities has been involved in so many good things in so many formats and places across the state and the country.

We held community conversations about about topics like democracy, aging, and the environment; awarded grants and fellowships to organizations and people doing creative, connected work in all parts of Oregon; conducted facilitation training for groups and leaders not only around Oregon but also in Colorado and Delaware and online; offered college humanities courses to adults with low incomes and high schoolers nearing graduation; organized workshops about creativity and reconciliation and identity; shared so many stories by Oregonians for Oregonians in our magazine and online, in English and in Spanish; produced podcast episodes exploring things like the experience of immigrating from Cambodia to Corvallis and how poetry builds cities. And plenty more.

None of this would have been possible without our partners, contributors, donors, and friends, who hosted and led community conversations; wrote, read, and suggested stories; came out for onstage conversations; asked questions and talked with neighbors; and supported our work with generosity, dedication, and hope.

We are fortunate to do this work with so many people in so many places around Oregon, and I feel incredibly grateful for how your participation makes it all possible. On behalf of Oregon Humanities’ staff and board, thank you so much.

—Adam Davis, Executive Director

Programs Summary

By the Numbers

2023 Financials

Donors and Sponsors

Gifts in Honor and Memory


Programs Summary


In 2023, our fifty-second year as an organization, the staff at Oregon Humanities stepped into our mission with intentional and fresh approaches to enduring programs and publications. Using our updated strategic framework, we brought people together with curiosity, consideration, and compassion. These efforts led to some impressive outcomes: We collaborated with 161 contributors to share 167 stories in print, online, and over the airwaves. We doubled our number of Community Storytelling Fellows. Our Consider This events drew over 3,600 people in person and another 3,500 online. We also tripled our number of rural programs, hosting events in Joseph, Talent, Redmond, and elsewhere.

Learn more about some of the initiatives, events, and partnerships that connected Oregonians in 2023:

  • Housing conversations: Throughout the summer and fall, we partnered with organizations across the state to host community conversations about housing and belonging. This series was inspired by a frequently requested Conversation Project program led by Paul Susi. Paul helped us train four new facilitators—Jacquelle Cherise Davis, Yimei Shao, Julia Waters, and Reeva Wortel—to lead important discussions about homelessness and explore the question of who “belongs” in our communities.
  • Belonging on the airwaves: In January, we launched a three-part series about organizing on The Detour, our monthly podcast and radio show. The episodes covered civic participation, Black political power, intergenerational justice, and labor movements. In November, we started a four-part series about belonging. Topics included immigration and emotional exile, the importance of stories in the LGBTQ+ community, and what it means to preserve the history of Black Oregonians. We capped the series off with conversations with students at Fern Hill Elementary School and Crestview Heights Elementary about how to help others feel like they belong.
  • Live-screening popular programs: Consider This guests reflected on People, Place, and Power through the spring and then on Fear and Belonging in the fall. Three of these conversations were screened live for an audience 300 miles from Portland. Participants gathered in La Grande to hear Mónica Guzmán talk about communicating across divides; Alexander Baretich, Matt McCaw, and Carina Miller discuss redrawing borders; and Casey Parks share stories about family, identity, and belonging. Each time, the watch party submitted questions for the speakers and discussed among themselves about how the topic manifested locally. 
  • Being present throughout Oregon: We know there is much to be gained by physically showing up. This year, we focused our time and effort in showing up in Southern Oregon through a range of activities. In April, with grant support from The Ford Family Foundation, we held a So Much Together program in Talent, bringing together twenty community members for a workshop on creativity. In September, we gathered in Phoenix with over thirty supporters and friends to celebrate our board chair, Bobby Arellano, concluding his term. Finally, in early November, we took Consider This to Grants Pass for an onstage conversation about Aging and Belonging.
  • Accessibility: There was a major staff-led effort to focus on how our programs, media, and events can be more accessible to people with disabilities. We worked with an accessibility and inclusivity consultant to grow our staff’s collective understanding of disability justice and accessibility accommodations. Every department identified areas of improvement and started to implement meaningful changes.
  • Fundraising: Partnerships are as vital for our fundraising as they are for our programs. This past winter, we partnered with Willamette Week's Give!Guide as one of 250 nonprofits in their annual giving campaign. We received over $30,000 in donations, while spotlighting several nonprofit and local business partners and practicing many of the principles of community-centric fundraising.


By the Numbers

108% increase in rural programs

14% increase in publication contributors

141 in 2022 → 161 in 2023

$356,633 awarded in grants and fellowships


More highlights:

  • 14,000 subscribers received Oregon Humanities magazine
  • 36,000 people listened to The Detour on the radio or online
  • 3,600 people attended Consider This events
  • 414 people participated in a Conversation Project program
  • 115 people trained to lead reflective conversations
  • 39 people completed a Humanity in Perspective course, earning three college credits


2023 Financials








Donors and Sponsors


Thank you to the following supporters who made gifts to Oregon Humanities in 2023.

Carole Alexander
Anonymous (3)
Jean and Ray Auel
Alicia and Nathan Bay
Priscilla Bernard Wieden
Leo Bialis-White
Teresa and Jay Bowerman
Evona Brim
Nancy Bryant
Colleen Cain and Philip Miller
Justin Chin and Thanh Nguyen
Carol Christen
Gretchen Cole
Truman Collins and Nancy Ives
Jeff and Heidi Cronn
Adam Davis and Hana Layson
Dale and Lois Derouin
Paul Duden and Francesca Stevenson
Barbara Duerden
Ken and Ann Edwards
Tom Garnier
Carolyn Gazeley
Robert Geddes
Andra Georges and Timothy Shepard
Joan Gray and Harris Hoffman
Andrew and Sara Guest
Molly Hiro and Lars Erik Larson
Mark Holloway and David Kahl
Sara Hopkins
Michael Johnson
Ronni Lacroute
Reese Lord and Jennifer Marfori
John Marble
Linda Monk
Lisa and David Platt
Rita and Ted Powell
Camille Preus
Dianne Sawyer and Richard Petersen
Jennifer Schuberth and John Urang
Gretchen Schuette and Rick Romano
Loren Smith
Anna Sortun and Eric Wilson
Mary Anne Spradlin
Joy Strand and Dan Anderson
Diana Tomseth
Paul and Lory Utz
Charles and Cherie Walker
Annie Walsh
Janet Webster
Jackie Willingham
Vincent and Patricia Wixon
Gayle Yamasaki
Kim and Brian Young


Foundations and Corporate Supporters

City of Portland "We Are Better Together"
Federation of State Humanities Councils and Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Fred W. Fields Fund of Oregon Community Foundation
The Ford Family Foundation
The Jackson Foundation
Kinsman Foundation
The Lyceum Agency
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Endowment for the Humanities' United We Stand
Oregon Community Foundation
Oregon Cultural Trust
The Roundhouse Foundation
Schlesinger Family Foundation
Tonkon Torp LLP
Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust


Sustaining Donors

Mariah Acton
Carla Albright
Jennifer Alkezweeny
Anonymous (4)
Ronda Bard
Linda and Martin Birnbaum
Dominique Brillanceau
Joel Butler
Christina deVillier
Catherine Diaz
Laura Fouts
Nina Grayson
CM Hall
John Hawkins
Greg Holmes
Mitsuhiko Iwasaki
Kelly Jones
David King
Lee Klingler and Jo Zettler
Tanya Lasswell
Melissa Madenski
Julia Martinez Soto
Julie Nittler
Camille Preus
Carolina Rios
Marlene Robbins
Renée Roman Nose
Jane Sage and Tom Olbrich
Jeff Slagle
Valarie Smith and Brian Libby
Anna Sortun and Eric Wilson
Ellen Summerfield
Deborah Anne Taylor
Joan and Dan Thorndike
Jeremy Weikel
Linda Werner
Kyenne Williams
Kim and Brian Young
Stephen Young and Jane Fellows


Individual Supporters

Neilson Abeel and Tori Breyer
Cherrie Abraham and Rosalie McDougall
Mariah Acton
Jill Adams
Miriam Agisim and Stuart Zeltzer
Gina Marie Agosta
William A. Albee
Carla Albright
Carole Alexander
Jennifer Alkezweeny
Alys Allwardt
Michael Althouse
Lauriel and August Amoroso
Michael Andrews
Sona Andrews
Patricia Angland
Anonymous (40)
Ruth Ansara
Linda and Eugene Appel
Dori Appel and Perry Prince
Ana Arellano
Robert Arellano
Alec Arellano
Judith Armatta
Crystal and Chris Arnold
William and Melody Ashworth
Ronald Atwood and Rebecca Youngstrom
Jean and Ray Auel
Heather Bacon-Shone
Caitlin Baggott Davis
Robin Baker
Lorna Baldwin
Larry and Renee Ballinger
Barbara Bannister and Arnold Zenger
Susan Banyas
Ronda Bard
Catherine and Robert Barlow
David Barringer
Susan Barthel
Candace and William Bartow
Reva Basch
Ed and Maureen Battistella
Scott and Kathleen Bauska
Alicia and Nathan Bay
Mike Beilstein
Robert Bekuhrs
Alison Bellair
Marti Belluschi
Peter Belmont
Mary Benson
Priscilla Bernard Wieden
Karen Bernards
James Berry and Kim Carlson
Patricia Beverley
Leo Bialis-White
Kathy Birch
Linda and Martin Birnbaum
Louise Bishop and James Earl
Sandy Bisset
Lara Bjork and Damon Jansen
Susan Blackaby
Jesse Blackburn
Dave Blanchard
Dorothy Bocian
Erika Bolstad and Chris Waldmann
Susan Bolt
Kathi Bowen-Jones and David Jones
Nicole Bowmer
Jules Boykoff and Kaia Sand
Dominique Brillanceau
Evona Brim
Susan Brody and Allen Johnson
Sandra and Steven Brown
Kyle Brown and Aili Schreiner
Nancy Bryant
Kathy Bryon
Steve Buresh
Ian Burrell
Joel Butler
Eric Butler
Laurie and Andrew Caesar
Colleen Cain and Philip Miller
Janet and Leonard Calvert
Mayra Camacho
Brett Campbell
Gloria Campuzano
Doug and Liz Capps
Amy Carlson
Eleanor Carlson
Jane Carlsen
Jeri Carson
Anne and Keith Chambers
Mary and Ruth Chapin
Justin Chin and Thanh Nguyen
Jong Whan Choi
Carol Christen
Karen Clarke and Richard Kaplan
Sylvia Clawson
Trena Cleland
Gail Cochran
Matthew Cohen
Gretchen Cole
Liz Cole
Paul Coleman and Sarah Warren
Cora Lucile Collier
Lanny and Barbara Collins
Margaret Collins
Truman Collins and Nancy Ives
Lois Colton
Doug Cooper
Charlotte and David Corkran
Ronald and Teecia Cornelius
Erin Costello
Kathy Cotton
Aimee Craig and BJ Abe
Jeff and Heidi Cronn
Breesa Culver
Marcia Darm and Bruce Berning
Michael Davidson
Sher Davidson
Kathleen Davis
Robert Davis
Adam Davis and Hana Layson
Sherrie Day
Stacy Day
Austin Deakins
Tony DeFalco
Cathy DeForest
Mary Christine Delea and Mel White
Richard Denis and Anne White
Dale and Lois Derouin
Sarah Deumling
Christina deVillier
Catherine Diaz
Margaret Dills Kelter and Jim Kelter
Roderick Dolan
Richard Dolgonas and Susan Uravich
Nancy Doulis
Edward Doyle
Moss Drake and Linda Candello
Ernest Drapela
Rose Driessen
Paul Duden and Francesca Stevenson
Barbara Dudley
Barbara Duerden
Erica Dunn and Philip Harris
Julie Durkheimer
Erin Dysart
Kristen Eberlin and Evan Bowers
Echo Fund of the National Philanthropic Trust
Bryan Edgington and Tara Knierim
Ken and Ann Edwards
Beth Elliot and Charlie Devereux
Betsy and James Elliott
Beth and Bill Ellis
Diane Englert
Arthur and Margianne Erickson
Mark Erlander
Megan Fairbank
Elizabeth Farrell
Thomas Fawkes
Sandra Ferguson
Margot Fetz
Barbara Fields
Robert Fields
Emmett Finneran Jr.
Judy and Robert Fisher
Raissa Fleming
Barbara Foltz
April Ann Fong
Susan Forkner
Aimee Foster
Karen and Stuart Foster
Laura Fouts
Carolyn Frasier
Cosette Freeman
Holly Freifeld and David Leonard
Ann French
Brian Fuller
Jean Gale
Tom Garnier
Robert Geddes
Ellen Gehringer
Barbara and Jack Geltosky
Marie Gerdtz
Carl and Esther Gerstacker Fund of the Midland Area Community Foundation
Melody Ghormley and Kyle Kroker
Nick Gideonse
Deborah Glass Collier
Molly Gloss
Roxanne Goebel
Janet Goetze Sanderson
Hannah Goldberg
Steven Goldberg and Linda Boise
Teresa Goodell
Patricia Gordon
Leanne Grabel and Steve Sander
Gregory Graham
Barbara Grant
Daniel Grant
Elizabeth Gray and Rob Schabel
Nina Grayson
Lowell and Susan Greathouse
Adam Green
Sheila Greenlaw-Fink
Donna Gregerson
Robin Guariglia
Andrew and Sara Guest
Kimberley and Matthew Gumbel
Annette Gurdjian
Janet Gutierrez
David Gutterman and Jennifer Johns
Chris Hagerbaumer
CM Hall
Susan Hammer Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
John Hammond
Jamey Hampton
James Hamrick
Janice Hand
Marta Hanson
Ulrich Hardt and Karen Johnson
Bill and Barbara Harris
Mary Harris
Harry and David
Cindy Hart
Dr. Jami D. L. Hart
Sandra and Ashley Hart
Vicky Hart and Nicolas Zita
Peter Hatcher and Harriet Stosur
Kathryn Hathaway
Christine Haug-Chin and Gary Chin
John Hawkins
Dawn Hayami
May Hays
Lyn Hennion and Alex Bellen
Mary Jo Hernandez
Kimberly Heron
Marc Herring and Marilyn Trahms
Judi Hertz
Michael and Kathy Hetrick
Judy Hilsenteger
Myra Himmelfarb
Molly Hiro and Lars Erik Larson
Gary Hirsch and Gwen Schnurman
Janet M Hively
Lauren Hobson and Dan Hassler
Mary Holdman
Ann and Mark Hollyfield
Ginny Holm and Terrence Wellen
Courtney Holmes
Greg Holmes
Sara Hopkins
Sheryl Horwitz and Larry Knudsen
Kris and Steve Hudson
Ligaya Humbert
Mara Hussey
Bette Husted
Linda Hutchins and John Montague
Lawson and Janet Inada
Robina Ingram-Rich
Roger Irvin
Harriet Isom
Mitsuhiko Iwasaki
Shirley Jackson
Jeff Jackson and Sandy Moses
Nancy Jamieson
Tom and Cherryl Janisse
Kyle Jansson and Carol Harding
Kimberly Jensen
Pam Jensen
Christopher Johnson
David Johnson
Michael Johnson
Perry Johnson and Carol Elwood
Kelly Jones
Shawnee Jones
Marean Jordan
Jack and Farol Kahle
The Kahlloway Fund
Rick and Ann Kaiser
Matt Karlsen and Jennifer O'Connor
Emily Karr and Townsend Hyatt
Barry and Carol Kast Edward and Debra Kaye
Claire Kellogg and Bruce Betzer
Dan and Maureen Kelly
Nancy and Thomas Kelly
Mary and Cecil Kemp
Antoinette Kennedy
Elizabeth and Dennis Kennedy
Kayla Kennett
Matthew Kertesz
Jennifer Keyser
Amy King
David King
Eileen Kirschner
Kimberley Kitzmiller
Jerry Kleffner
Lee Klingler and Jo Zettler
Eleanor Klock
Annie Knepler and Adam Fischler
Leigh Knox
Jena Knudsen
Sarah Knudsen
Ellen Knutson
Carolyn Kohn
Michael and Susan Kosmala
Kostol/Marble Charitable Fund
George Kramer
Don and Judith Kramer
Laura Kreger
Brooke Kuhnhausen
Carolyn Kulog
Jonny Kusmin
Ronni Lacroute Fund of the Cornell University Foundation
Betty LaDuke
Jane Lamb
Elinor Langer
Charlene Larsen
Tanya Lasswell
Kathy Lawrence
Erika Leaf
Mary Lehman and William Durst
Shane Lei
Esther Lerman Freeman
MaOxford Lerotholi
Philip Lewin and Sherrie Barr
Rachel Lewis
Richard Lewis and Meg Larson
Frances Loberg
Patty Lofgren
Reese Lord and Jennifer Marfori
Ingrid Louiselle
Donna Loveland
James Luby
Richard Lufrano
Kyra MacIlveen
Marlene Mack
Melissa Madenski
Martha Maharg
Deborah Maher
William and Mary Mainwaring
Meredith Maislen
Kevin and Anne March
Deborah Maria
Mary Markland and Brian Wooton
Lynn Marks
Ron Marsh
Julia Martinez Soto
Michael Marxen
Luke Mattheis
Fred and Elizabeth Maurer
J.S. and Robin May
Mary Mayfield
Teddy Mccanna
Joanne McClarty
Lynn McClenahan and Greg Smith
Rebecca McCroskey
Kelly McElroy
Tom and Linda McFadden
Marilyn McFarlane
Ramycia McGhee
Anne McLaughlin
Joanne and Frank McNamara
Heidi and Dylan McNamee
Margaret Mead
Richard Meeker and Ellen Rosenblum
Kathleen Melhuse
Wendi and Sanford Menashe
Nancy Miller
Eva Miller
Barbara Millikan
Peter Mitchel and Heather Houston
Kerani Mitchell
Linda Monk
Nicholas and Janet De Morgan
Bonnie Morihara
Julie Morris
Sam Mowe
Marcus Muccianti
Gail Mueller
Joanne Mulcahy and Bob Hazen
Nora Mullane
Martin Muller
Laura Mundt
Fred Neal
Peter B Necarsulmer
Linda Nelson
Patti and Maple Nelson
Shirley and Milton Nelson
V. Christine Nelson
Michael and Joyce Nesson
Milena Neuse
Jill and Edward Neuwelt
Annette Newman
Julie Nittler
Marilyn Nunemaker
Jennifer Nye
Ingrid Nylen and Mark Meininger
Lani O'Callaghan
Jennifer O’Donnell
Damon and Margaret Ogle
Kristin Ohlson
Linda E. Olds
Margaret Olney and Steve Marsh
George and Deborah Olsen
Allan and Madeline Olson
Oneatta Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Nancy Orr
Ken and Laurie Orwick
Keli Osborn
John Ott
Caroline Park
Mike and Mary Patnaude
Jennifer Perrine
Paulann Petersen
Joan Peterson and Christopher Bratt
Jacqueline Peterson-Loomis
Loretta Pickerell
Jane Pierson
Brie and Bill Pierznik
Lillian Pitt
Steve and Shannon Planchon
Lisa and David Platt
Sandy Polishuk
Jerry and Barb Porter
Sandy Post
Jonathan Potkin
Rita and Ted Powell
Prasad Revocable Trust
Gloria and James Predeek
Camille Preus
Carol Prichard
Jann Purdy
Ken Pyburn
Rainy Day Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Wendy Rankin
Valerie Rapp
Mary Rechner and Barry Sims
Robert Reed
David Rees
Richard Rees and John Holloran
Susan and Rodney Reid
Laura Rice and Karim Hamdy
Errol Rich
Jane Richardson
Jane Rickenbaugh
Jane Rimerman
Carolina Rios
Jose Rios
Maria Rios
Marlene Robbins
Marguerite and Rodney Roberson
Renée Roman Nose
Aaron Rosen
Dori Rosenblum
Charlotte Rubin
Susan Rust
Christine Rutan
Renee Rutz and Robert Zdebski
Kathleen Saadat
Victoria Saager
Jane Sage and Tom Olbrich
Hilary Sager
Sandy Sampson
J. David Santen Jr.
Mary Elizabeth Sargent and William Watson
Dianne Sawyer and Richard Petersen
Ann and John Scherner
Rachel Schilling
Arthur Schmidt
Edward Schmidt and Elizabeth Quinn
Richard Schmuck
Leslie Schockner
Jennifer Schuberth and John Urang
Beverly Schumacher
Jerry and Diana Sellers
Dan Sengenberger
Jo Senters
Judith Seydel
Gary Sharp
The Timothy C. Shepard and Andra Georges Philanthropy Fund
Crystal Shoji
Elyse Shoop
Penelope Short
Sarah Silkie
Alexandra Silvester
Mary Simon
Jeff Slagle
Larry Slessler and Elizabeth Hayes
Maureen and Dave Sloan
Dawn Smallman
R.P. Joe Smith
The Loren D. Smith Fund
Susan Smith
Valarie Smith and Brian Libby
Jessi Snow
Anna Sortun and Eric Wilson
Spark Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Dean Spencer
Mary Anne Spradlin
Lynn St. Georges
Sue Staehli
Maggie Starr and Sarah Hardin
Philip Stenstrom and Lisa Chin
Teresa Stover
Joy Strand and Dan Anderson
Roger Straus
Ellen Summerfield
Michele Swanson and Donald Marinello
Mollie Swift
Mary Szybist
Deborah Anne Taylor
Leslie Taylor and Douglas Beers
Ellen Teicher
Terrel and Bonnie Templeman
Ian Templeton
Linda and James Thomas
Myla Thomas and Mark Buchanan
Adele and Jack Thompson
Lianne Thompson and Ralph Wyatt
Joan and Dan Thorndike
Diane Thornton
David and Janet Tilton
TJ Education Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Jim and Mary Tomlinson
Carol Tova Newman
Thomas Treger and Ruth Rabinovich
Susan and Patrick Troccolo
Tristan Trotter
Clifford and Jo Anne Trow
Thomas Turkon
Jim and Mary Anne Turner
Paul and Lory Utz
Eleanor van Noppen
Erika Van Winkle
Judy Van Zile
Dorothy Velasco and John Dewenter
Jean and Karl Vercouteren
Patricia Vincent
Vicky Vinch
Jennifer Viviano and Fritz Paulus
Pamela Vohnson and David Streight
Kimberly Howard Wade
Gail Waggoner
Celia Wagner
Mark Wales
Charles and Cherie Walker
John and Carol Walker
Kathleen Wall
Alison Wallis
Annie Walsh
Carol and Ian Walsh
Susan and Kevin Walsh
Richard Wandschneider
Tom Ward
Ben Waterhouse and Deanna Oothoudt
Nikki and Brian Weaver
Gary and Jodi Weeber
Dave Weich
Naomi Weidner
Jeremy Weikel
Marvin Weiss
Mary Weissinger
Kate Wellons
Carolyn Wells
Linda Werner
Patricia West and William Cummings
Julia and Paul Westerberg
George Westermark
Louis Wheatley
Jane White
Mary and Nathan White
Alan Wilcox
John Wilkins
Kyenne Williams
Thomas Williams
Jackie Willingham
Tammy Jo Wilson
Martin and Carolyn Winch
Marcia Wirth
Paulette Wittwer
Vincent and Patricia Wixon
Mike Wolf
Mitch Wolgamott
Shelby Wood
Terri Woodruff
Barbara Woollven
Kathleen Worley
Carolyn Wright
Paul Wummer
Merri Wyatt
Christy Wyckoff
Sara Yada
Wes Yamamoto
Gayle Yamasaki
Bette and Alan Yenne
Kim and Brian Young
Julie Young
Stephen Young and Jane Fellows
Jenny Young Seidemann
Jessica Zdeb and Tim Ledlie
Irene Zenev
Martin Zottola

Gifts in Honor and Memory

Gifts in Honor

Anonymous in honor of Conversation Project
Anonymous in honor of Cecily Frazier
Anonymous in honor of Sarah Mirk's brilliant piece on Preschool for All
Anonymous in honor of Kathryn Thomas
Alec Arellano in honor of Bob Arellano
Ana Arellano in honor of Mr. Robert 'Bobby' Arellano, who brought so much joy into my life, with great gratitude
Robert Arellano in honor of 100% board giving in FY23!
Dominique Brillanceau in honor of WriteAroundPortland staff
Matthew Cohen in honor of intelligent, caring, woke folk!!
Karen and Stuart Foster in honor of Kathleen Davis
Laura Fouts in honor of Sonya Fouts
Melody Ghormley and Kyle Kroker in honor of Emmett Wheatfall
Melody Ghormley and Kyle Kroker in honor of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Oregon
CM Hall in honor of Adam Davis
Lyn Hennion and Alex Bellen in honor of Bobby Arellano
Carolyn Kohn in honor of Kate Lasky
James Luby in honor of Daniel Grant and his service to Oregon Humanities
Nancy Miller in honor of Josephine Cooper
Laura Mundt in honor of working with Lewis & Clark ENVS students
Paulann Petersen in honor of The Oregon Poet Laureate Program
Shelby Wood in honor of all the writers
Merri Wyatt in honor of Jackie Willingham and Adam Davis


Gifts in Memory

Mariah Acton in memory of Anita Engiles
Anonymous in memory of Grant Brunker
Anonymous in memory of Jackie Davis
Anonymous in memory of The people of Lahaina
Judith Armatta in memory of Keith Alan Tharp
Lorna Baldwin in memory of Lucas B. Gibbons
Susan Banyas in memory of Martha Banyas
Kathy Cotton in memory of Christine Poole-Jones
Julie Durkheimer in memory of Chris F. Salvi
Laura Fouts in memory of Carol Janet Lindberg
Cosette Freeman in memory of my mother, Wilma Daane
Dr. Jami D. L. Hart in memory of Laurie Gardener
Bette Husted in memory of T. Katharine Sheldahl-Thomason
Kathleen Melhuse in memory of Malcolm Snider
Peter Mitchel and Heather Houston in memory of Roseanne Leary Mitchel
Linda Monk in memory of Larry Monk
Julie Nittler in memory of Roger Nittler
Ken and Laurie Orwick in memory of Erling and Adella Orwick
Aaron Rosen in memory of Whitney Hammond
Kathleen Saadat in memory of Gladys McCoy
Sandy Sampson in memory of Sharon Walsh
Mary Elizabeth Sargent and William Watson in memory of Garry Watson
Penelope Short in memory of Ruth Siegenthaler
Vicky Vinch in memory of Irene Scultz
Kathleen Wall in memory of Paula Baca Candelaria
Annie Walsh in memory of Charles Rosenberg
Marvin Weiss in memory of Hildegard Weiss
Mike Wolf in memory of JoAnn Spohn Wolf
Carolyn Wright in memory of Dell Rhodes
Irene Zenev in memory of Roger Hall