Conversation Project: Everyone Can Be a Leader
Popular understandings of leadership tell us that leaders look a certain way: they are in charge. They possess outward strength. They are extroverted and act pragmatically rather than emotionally. Perhaps most important, leaders are people in positions of authority and power. Is there an alternative type of leadership? When are we leaders in our communities? How can our unique senses of self contribute to our roles as leaders?
Todos pueden ser líderes/Everyone Can Be a Leader
Las interpretaciones populares del concepto de liderazgo nos dicen que los líderes se ven de cierta manera: llevan la batuta. Poseen una fuerza externa. Son extrovertidos y actúan de manera más pragmática que emocional. Quizás lo más importante es que los líderes son gente en puestos de autoridad y poder. ¿Existe algún tipo alternativo de liderazgo? ¿Cuándo somos nosotros líderes en nuestras comunidades? ¿Cómo nuestro irrepetible sentido propio contribuye a favor de nuestro papel como líderes? Popular understandings of leadership tell us that leaders look a certain way: they are in charge. They possess outward strength. They are extroverted and act pragmatically rather than emotionally. Perhaps most important, leaders are people in positions of authority and power. Is there an alternative type of leadership? When are we leaders in our communities? How can our unique senses of self contribute to our roles as leaders? Español & English
Everyone Can Be a Leader: Exploring Nontraditional Community Leadership
Popular understandings of leadership tell us that leaders look a certain way: they are in charge. They possess outward strength. They are extroverted and act pragmatically rather than emotionally. Perhaps most important, leaders are people in positions of authority and power. Is there an alternative type of leadership? When are we leaders in our communities? How can our unique senses of self contribute to our roles as leaders?
A Remedy for Disruption
Chelsea King on mask mandates, school board meetings, and the importance of presence
Conversation Project: Everyone Can Be a Leader
Exploring Nontraditional Community Leadership
Conversation Project: Everyday Leaders
Recognizing Leadership Beyond Power and Authority
Conversation Project: Everyday Leaders
Recognizing Leadership Beyond Power and Authority
Conversation Project: Everyday Leaders
Recognizing Leadership Beyond Power and Authority
Arts & Cultural Equity: Current Examples and Relevant Strategies
Arts and cultural workers, managers, educators, and students share current insights, experiences, and practices around equity and leadership within arts and culture organizations. Oregon Humanities is a cosponsor of this event.
Conversation Project: Looking for Leadership *CANCELED*
What Do We Want from Leaders? This event has been canceled and will be rescheduled to a later date.
Conversation Project: Looking for Leadership
What Do We Want from Leaders?
The Longest of Long Shots
A Sanders delegate's brush with national party politics. An essay by Valdez Bravo
Taking the Lead
We partnered with Catlin-Gabel’s PLACE program to train high school students to lead community conversations. Filmmaker Sika Stanton asks these emerging leaders from North Portland about how they hope to use their new skills.
Mothers to Daughters
Mothers give advice to their daughters about living bravely in an unsafe world in this film produced by Sika Stanton for Oregon Humanities.
Blank Slate
In a single day, a forty-year-old man finds himself unmarried and unemployed. What to do next? An essay by Dave Weich
Public Servant
A cab driver whos an elected official by day has his work cut out for him. An essay by David Bragdon