1.) From the last dinner party in early march, palm leaves from Veronika. We ate whole trout, and probably potatoes. Stephen was there too, and I haven't seen either of them since.
2.) Bouquet from my sister, sent on my thirty-sevent birthday. Thirty-seven sounds old to me, proper "middle aged." I don't feel that old but I look it. I remember 20, 28, all of it. Life is very different from those younger years.
3.) Another birthday bouquet, marigolds from Marijke. Marigolds are fun to draw, and also frustrating, in all their folds and details.
4.) Also from the last dinner party, breathing the same air as people who don't live with me. I think I've drawn these before.
4.) This was the first year in a new house; lots of new plants came up in spring. Still not sure if these are weeds. I thought I would get into gardening but it turns out I have even less free time than before. Weeds continue to be out of control.
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